Associate Professor


Email: shengyunlan@tongji.edu.cn


Yunlan Sheng, Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Associate Professor of English at School of Foreign Languages, Tongji University. She began her teaching career at Tongji University upon graduation in 1995. Her research interest is in the discourse-syntax interface in second language acquisition. She attended Carnegie Mellon University in 2009 as a visiting scholar with a research focus on creative writing. In 2013 she was granted a Eurasia-Pacific UNINET scholarship which enabled her to study at the University of Vienna for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). During 2017-2018, she stayed with the English and linguistics Department at University of Birmingham, UK as a visiting scholar, focusing on corpus-based EAP writing research. For years she has been devoted to researching the effects of specific discourse context on syntactic variations and choices made by EFL advanced learners in written communication. Currently, she focuses on academic English writing performances by advanced learners and distinguishing features of academic writing across disciplines. 

Contact address: 1239, Siping Rd., School of Foreign Languages, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200029.

Email: shengyunlan@tongji.edu.cn